We provide soul care services to individuals, groups, and communities.
Our services
Individual Counseling
We work with you to help cultivate a deeper understanding of your own unique story, experiences, and how they might fit into the grander narrative of God at work in the world. We approach you as an individual, tailoring our work together to fit you.
60-75 mins initial session | $200
50 mins ongoing sessions | $175
In various seasons it may be beneficial to journey with a small band of fellow pilgrims. Check back for current group therapy offerings. Past options have included groups for disordered eating, stress management, soul care during the height of the pandemic, and unwanted sexual behavior treatment groups.
60 - 90 mins | $50
Whether in ministry or the marketplace, our vocations and callings can be challenging, but they don’t need to lead to burn out and cynicism. If your organization could use a clinically grounded and faith informed perspective on the challenges you face, contact us for a free initial consultation.
60 mins | $150
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is a relationship of accompaniment as we move through, and deeper into, our life with Christ to discover what is uniquely ours through Him. The aim of spiritual direction is to root deeper for greater receptivity and response to the call of Christ in the life of the believer.
60 mins | $50
* We understand that for both individuals and organizations finances can be a challenge. Please, don’t hesitate to ask about any potential discounts that may be available. See FAQs for more details.